What client say
Mr.Kaplan is from Istanbul, Turkey. He was earlier buyer of Leadway Fuhrung injection moulding machines in Turkey. He has Haitian plastic injection machines also. He compared both Haitian and Leadway Fuhrung injection machines from his own injection molding jobs. He thought Leadway plastic press machines are faster than Haitian plastic machinery. ---Mr.Kaplan
Mr. Raul is living in Florida USA. When we were in Orange County, Florida for attending NPE2018. He was there helping us introduce our machines. He has bought several injection molding machines from us. He is very satisifed with our injection machines and is also happy to recommend our plastic machines to his friends.
---Mr. Raul
Ms Lina is from Bogota, Columbia. She has factory in making PET bottle preform. She flied to Florida in summer , 2018. She recommended our plastic injection machines to those south American friends. We thanks a lot for her recommendation in Spanish. ---Ms Lina
Mr. Reza is from Tehran Iran. He was familiar with other Chinese brands injection molding machines. So he has much knowledge of Chinese injection machines. He collected all competitive injection machines information and compared technical parameters by himself. He got conclusion that Leadway Fuhrung machines are better than other brands. ---Mr. Reza